As another challenging year draws to a close, we wanted to reflect and share some of our progress, impacts and good news stories from 2021 because, now more than ever, we all need some good news!
Coffee Operations Director by day, musician and basketballer by night! A self-taught coffee roaster, Jake’s attention to detail and desire to create amazing coffee has seen him take out both bronze and silver medals in the Australia and New Zealand Golden Bean Coffee Roasting Competition. But where did his journey with coffee begin?
We’re excited to announce that in Timor-Leste, construction of our flagship Dili hub is well underway. Once complete, it will act as the country's first coffee roastery, food preservery, cafe and live-in training centre.
Over the Easter weekend, cyclonic rains, landslides and flash flooding wreaked havoc across Timor-Leste: 45 dead, 10,000 displaced and around 4500 dwellings destroyed. With your help we’ve made a huge contribution to communities across the country.
In May, Alice was amongst forty diverse Australians invited by the Governor-General to the Global Foundations Canberra Roundtable to discuss Australia’s identity and longer-term strategy in a global context. This is her address.
By now you may know that for every kilo of coffee roasted we plant a tree, but you might have wondered how we get from coffee to trees and why it’s so important. Introducing WithOneSeed, a tree planting program with two objectives: reducing poverty and fighting climate change.