Over the Easter weekend, cyclonic rains, landslides and flash flooding wreaked havoc across Timor-Leste: 45 dead, 10,000 displaced and around 4500 dwellings destroyed. With your help we’ve made a huge contribution to communities across the country.
By now you may know that for every kilo of coffee roasted we plant a tree, but you might have wondered how we get from coffee to trees and why it’s so important. Introducing WithOneSeed, a tree planting program with two objectives: reducing poverty and fighting climate change.
Dina Sequeira is one dynamic woman! Hailing from Dili, Dina is the local food entrepreneur (aka zero waste superstar) behind our first preserving hub in Timor-Leste, where she works to ensure local communities have food year-round. This is no easy task when intense wet and dry seasons mean that fresh produce is either abundant or scarce.