Together, let's create
meaningful impact.

brew change Preserve the future

We're a Melbourne based social enterprise on a mission to preserve the future. Our vehicle of choice? Ethical coffee from Timor-Leste and preserves made from produce destined to go to waste.

We're proud to have our commitment and action represented through our Social Traders Certification.

We make tasty goodies that help our planet and support its people. 

Through coffee and preserves, we’re fighting to reduce waste, end hunger and replenish the planet. We want to overhaul outdated, wasteful food systems and provide an equitable future for farming communities and women across Asia and Australia. Why?

Because business as usual isn’t working.

Globally, we waste roughly 1.3 billion tonnes of food annually, yet food insecurity is at an all time high. 

While most Australians love their morning latte, coffee farmers are some of the lowest paid farmers in the world.

By emitting roughly 36 billion tonnes of CO2 annually,  Planet Earth is on a path to climate catastrophe.

And we’re not okay with any of that.

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Now Hiring: Coffee Roaster and Operations Coordinator

Now Hiring - Skilled Coffee Roaster to join our dedicated and award-winning team in Melbourne. 

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Now hiring - Communications & Marketing Coordinator

We’re seeking a passionate and driven Marketing and Communications Coordinator to join our team in 2025. This is an exciting opportunity to lead projects and create, develop and execute an innovative online presence to drive our coffee and preserve product lines.

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Jake's recent trip to Timor-Leste: Visiting farmers & sourcing our next import.
I often sit and contemplate these communities as I drink my morning coffee. I think of the friendly farmers, their families, and the laughing children. I think about their struggle and the incredible amount of work that goes into a single harvest. How will the changing climate affect future yields? What will the coffee market look like in the next ten or so years?
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